Cattle we currently have for sale  Call Dave at 361-793-4870 for more info.
We are in a drought, reducing herd size.

All cattle are AHA registered, registration numbers are listed. Local delivery available.

CPH B202-Y1258 Hannah D202  DOB 2-3-2016  Reg# 43660421   $ Make Offer

Weighed 1151 on weaning day, July 21, 2019. She should now be putting weight back on with her calf off her. Her calf this year was a heifer with a birth weight of 63 lbs. She has been vaccinated and wormed. Super gentle, allows calves to be handled.

She has been exposed to our herd sire and is presumed pregnant but has not been checked. Offspring will be registerable. Hannah calved unassisted and successfully raised her calf to weaning age. Expected to calve in Jan 2020.


CPH Z20-Y1245 Audri B101  DOB 1-17-2014   Reg# 43516922   $ Make Offer

Audri weighed 1450 on July 21, 2019 when her calf was weaned. She gave birth to a 60 lb. heifer. Audri is always my first cow to calve, she’s super gentle and solid. Audri calved in 1 minute 30 seconds once hooves showed (I have it on video!) She laid down pushed 2 or 3 times and the calf was out. She’s very maternal and will let you handle her calves.  Audri has been exposed to our herd sire and I expect her to calve in early Jan, 2020. She has not been palpated. Offspring will be registerable.


PPHF 195 Robin Z1269   DOB 2-5-2011    Reg# 43197335   $ Make Offer

Robin has always been a solid performer for us. Her calf this year was a heifer weighing 82 lbs. which is at the top of our usual range. She calves unassisted and raises her calves easily.  She weighed 1,314 on July 21, 2019 when her calf was weaned. She had her vaccinations and worming. She will sometimes allow other calves to nurse but not always. Robin has been exposed to our herd sire and is presumed pregnant but has not been palpated. Expected to calve Jan, 2020. Offspring will be registerable.


PPHF 19S Karlene Y1227   DOB 11-26-2010   Reg# 43197337    $ Make Offer

Karlene will let any calf suckle. I’ve never like that as the calves will pull her down but it would be a good thing if you needed a stand-in dam for an orphaned calve. She weighed 1402 on July 21, 2019. Her bull calf is only 4 months old and has not yet been weaned. Karlene will be available in October 2019. Karlene has been exposed to our herd sire but has not been palpated. If pregnant she would probably calve late March or early April 2020. She has had her vaccinations and has been wormed.


PPHF 512 Patricia Y1249   DOB 12-31-2010     Reg# 43197343   $ Make Offer

Patricia is a great maternal cow, dark and solid. She weighed 1460 on July 21, 2019 when he heifer calf was weaned. Calf had a birth weight of 77 lbs. She has been exposed to our herd sire and is presumed bred but has not been palpated. If pregnant, she would calve in January 2020. She has no problem raising calves and has always been a solid performer for us. She has been vaccinated and wormed. One thing with Patricia, her tail was stood on by our previous herd sire and she tried to get up. She lost her tail but has not been problems with flies and such. She’s just tail-less.



PPHF U120 Sybil Y1245  DOB 12-21-2010  Reg# 43197369   $ Make Offer

Sybil weighed 1432 lbs. on July 21, 2019. She is still raising her heifer calf and will be available October 2019. Sybil is very protective of her calves for the first couple weeks. She will run off anything that gets near it. She wasn’t always that protective but on her 3rd calf she became so. Her calf this year had a birth weight of 72 lbs. Sybil has been a reliable performer for us and has been exposed to our her sire. If pregnant, calf will be registerable.


CPH B202-Y1249 Odyssey E102   DOB 1-20-2017   Reg# 43767442   $ Make Offer

Sissy is young and still small but will mature to be similar to her dam, Audri. Sissy weighed 932 lbs. on July 21, 2019 when her first calf was weaned. Her calf had a birth weight of 61 lbs. Sissy has been exposed to one of our bulls and if pregnant would be expected to calve in January 2020. Sissy could use a hoof trimming. She had been vaccinated and wormed. She is super gentle, easily worked and did not have any issues when we were handling her calf this spring. If pregnant, calf will be registerable. Super gentle.


SOLD - PPHF 50Z Anchor C1524   DOB 12-25-2014   Reg# 43585419

This has been our herd sire for the last couple years and we are keeping many of his heifers. So, he needs a new pasture to work in. We call him Buster, he’s been easy to keep. Doesn’t tear up fences or gates, mild mannered, docile, non-aggressive. He has been vaccinated and wormed. Weighed 1890 lbs. on July 21, 2019 when he was pulled off our cows.

Fertility tested over 90%