CPH B1370-Y1245 Cooper C101 - SOLD

CPH B1370-Y1245 Cooper C101
Dam: PPHF U120 Sybil Y1245
Sire: PPHF U120 JUNIOR B1370
First calf of 2015, born 01/11/2015 9:30 PM
Cooper is our first 2015 calf. Coop was born at the start of a chilly night, but survived it well and the next morning was out running around the pasture with his momma. He's a energetic, sweet little guy. We couldn't be happier to have him as a member of our herd. Cousins will be following any day...Coop has been sold (12/6/15), we'll miss having him around as he's been a pleasure to raise and watch grow up. Good luck Coop with your new harem of heifers and I hope you turn out to be the bull we believe you will become.