CPH B1370-Z1258 Dax C102 - SOLD

CPH B1370-Z1258 Dax C102
Dam: PPHF 512 Joanie Z1258
Sire: PPHF U120 JUNIOR B1370
Second calf of 2015, born 01/15/2015 5:30 AM
Our second bull calf of 2015 arrived today. Dax was born the morning of January 15th, cold, wet and a bit windy. When I first saw him he was wet and shivering but made it through the chilly morning. He's still a little wobbly standing up but he's only a few hours old . We couldn't be happier to have him as a member of our herd. Cousins will follow any day...Dax was sold 12/12/15. He is living in Atascosa Texas and will be on full rations until he is a little more grown up. At that time he will become a herd sire, replacing the current sire. Good luck to you Dax, you will be missed.